I’ve been moving more and more of my projects to SPM (Swift Package Manager). For pure SPM projects it’s not obvious how to collect code coverage and integrate reporting with something like codecov. Here’s a quick guide how to configure your project and integrate it with Travis.

Instead of just running swift test you instead generate an xcodeproj file and then use xcodebuild to run tests and collect coverage:

$ swift package generate-xcodeproj
$ xcodebuild test -scheme {YourProject}-Package -destination \
platform="macOS" -enableCodeCoverage YES

This generates the coverage data you need to then integrate with codecov. The steps inside your travis.yml file would look like this then:

  - swift package generate-xcodeproj
  - xcodebuild test -scheme {YourProject}-Package -destination \
  platform="macOS" -enableCodeCoverage YES
  - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)